Consultant Surgical Oncologist & HIPEC Specialist


The second leading cause of cancer deaths among women is breast cancer. Breast Cancer development is a multi-step process. Breast Cancer involves multiple cell types and the prevention of Breast Cancer is a big challenge to the world. The best prevention of breast cancer is early diagnosis. If you need consultation personally you can contact the best oncologist in chennai. There are 80% survival risks of Breast Cancer in some developed countries due to early prevention.

Recently, good development has been made in the field of Breast Cancer and its prevention. Breast Cancer Stem Cells are discovered by pathogenesis and tumor drug-resistant mechanisms. Many genes are found to be related to breast cancer. At present, there are more drug options besides chemotherapy. The development of Biological prevention for Breast Cancer has been recently developed and is improving the patient’s quality of life.


Many great advancements have been made in clinical and theoretical studies for prevention of Breast Cancer. The prevention methods currently are screening, chemoprevention and biological prevention which are more direct and effective than the past ones. Though the mortality of Breast Cancer has decreased, Breast Cancer is still the first leading cause in death of females in the age group 20-59 years.

To conclude, Breast Cancer is preventable. The two main methods to prevent Breast Cancer are Chemotherapy and Reducing the Risk Factors. Though a general awareness about Breast Cancer has to be created among the public. Only 4.1% women are willing to take Chemotherapy treatment. This is due to the fact that there is a lack of understanding and the fear of adverse effects. There is no reliable strategy to evaluate the risk ratio of Breast cancer although the Gail model or the IBIS model is widely used for determining the risk of breast cancer based on a women’s age, family history, race and reproductive factors. With improvements in sequencing technology, individual

genome sequencing may be a powerful method to evaluate the risk of breast cancer. In the future, better medicines with less adverse effects and a favorable risk-benefit ratio need to be developed. If you want to know more about preventing cancer, Get consultation from the Best Surgical oncologist in Chennai by contacting us